Mocking with twitch-cli ======================= Twitch CLI is a tool provided by twitch which can be used to mock API calls and EventSub. To get started, first install and set up ``twitch-cli`` as described here: Basic setup ----------- First, run ``twitch mock-api generate`` once and note down the Client ID and secret as well as the ID from the line reading `User ID 53100947 has all applicable units`. To run the mock server, run ``twitch-cli mock-api start`` Mocking App Authentication and API ---------------------------------- The following code example sets us up with app auth and uses the mock API to get user information: .. code-block:: python import asyncio from twitchAPI.helper import first from twitchAPI.twitch import Twitch CLIENT_ID = 'GENERATED_CLIENT_ID' CLIENT_SECRET = 'GENERATED_CLIENT_SECRET' USER_ID = '53100947' async def run(): twitch = await Twitch(CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET, base_url='http://localhost:8080/mock/', auth_base_url='http://localhost:8080/auth/') user = await first(twitch.get_users(user_ids=USER_ID)) print(user.login) await twitch.close() Mocking User Authentication --------------------------- In the following example you see how to set up mocking with a user authentication. Note that :const:`~twitchAPI.twitch.Twitch.auto_refresh_auth` has to be set to `False` since the mock API does not return a refresh token. .. code-block:: python import asyncio from twitchAPI.oauth import UserAuthenticator from twitchAPI.helper import first from twitchAPI.twitch import Twitch CLIENT_ID = 'GENERATED_CLIENT_ID' CLIENT_SECRET = 'GENERATED_CLIENT_SECRET' USER_ID = '53100947' async def run(): twitch = await Twitch(CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET, base_url='http://localhost:8080/mock/', auth_base_url='http://localhost:8080/auth/') twitch.auto_refresh_auth = False auth = UserAuthenticator(twitch, [], auth_base_url='http://localhost:8080/auth/') token = await auth.mock_authenticate(USER_ID) await twitch.set_user_authentication(token, []) user = await first(twitch.get_users()) print(user.login) await twitch.close() Mocking EventSub Webhook ------------------------ Since the EventSub subscription endpoints are not mocked in twitch-cli, we need to subscribe to events on the live api. But we can then trigger events from within twitch-cli. The following example subscribes to the ``channel.subscribe`` event and then prints the command to be used to trigger the event via twitch-cli to console. .. code-block:: python import asyncio from twitchAPI.oauth import UserAuthenticationStorageHelper from twitchAPI.eventsub.webhook import EventSubWebhook from twitchAPI.object.eventsub import ChannelSubscribeEvent from twitchAPI.helper import first from twitchAPI.twitch import Twitch from twitchAPI.type import AuthScope CLIENT_ID = 'REAL_CLIENT_ID' CLIENT_SECRET = 'REAL_CLIENT_SECRET' EVENTSUB_URL = 'https://my.eventsub.url' async def on_subscribe(data: ChannelSubscribeEvent): print(f'{data.event.user_name} just subscribed!') async def run(): twitch = await Twitch(CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET) auth = UserAuthenticationStorageHelper(twitch, [AuthScope.CHANNEL_READ_SUBSCRIPTIONS]) await auth.bind() user = await first(twitch.get_users()) eventsub = EventSubWebhook(EVENTSUB_URL, 8080, twitch) eventsub.start() sub_id = await eventsub.listen_channel_subscribe(, on_subscribe) print(f'twitch event trigger channel.subscribe -F {EVENTSUB_URL}/callback -t {} -u {sub_id} -s {eventsub.secret}') try: input('press ENTER to stop') finally: await eventsub.stop() await twitch.close() Mocking EventSub Websocket -------------------------- For EventSub Websocket to work, you first have to run the following command to start a websocket server in addition to the API server: ``twitch event websocket start`` We once again mock both the app and user auth. The following example subscribes to the ``channel.subscribe`` event and then prints the command to be used to trigger the event via twitch-cli to console. .. code-block:: python import asyncio from twitchAPI.oauth import UserAuthenticator from twitchAPI.eventsub.websocket import EventSubWebsocket from twitchAPI.object.eventsub import ChannelSubscribeEvent from twitchAPI.helper import first from twitchAPI.twitch import Twitch from twitchAPI.type import AuthScope CLIENT_ID = 'GENERATED_CLIENT_ID' CLIENT_SECRET = 'GENERATED_CLIENT_SECRET' USER_ID = '53100947' async def on_subscribe(data: ChannelSubscribeEvent): print(f'{data.event.user_name} just subscribed!') async def run(): twitch = await Twitch(CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET, base_url='http://localhost:8080/mock/', auth_base_url='http://localhost:8080/auth/') twitch.auto_refresh_auth = False auth = UserAuthenticator(twitch, [AuthScope.CHANNEL_READ_SUBSCRIPTIONS], auth_base_url='http://localhost:8080/auth/') token = await auth.mock_authenticate(USER_ID) await twitch.set_user_authentication(token, [AuthScope.CHANNEL_READ_SUBSCRIPTIONS]) user = await first(twitch.get_users()) eventsub = EventSubWebsocket(twitch, connection_url='ws://', subscription_url='') eventsub.start() sub_id = await eventsub.listen_channel_subscribe(, on_subscribe) print(f'twitch event trigger channel.subscribe -t {} -u {sub_id} -T websocket') try: input('press ENTER to stop\n') finally: await eventsub.stop() await twitch.close()